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We hope that you find the book to be a healing balm for the soul as we do. You define the books that will help you understand yourself and the world. You can prefer nonfiction, plunge into the classics, or need a fantasy with the mandatory victory of good over evil to restore life balance.

Thanks to books, we create our worlds, discover new ones, and find answers to hundreds of long-standing or recently arising disturbing questions. We explore the depths of the human psyche and learn to be tolerant and friendly, bold and decisive, self-confident and sensual. There is a specific book or even a stack of them for every request or need: whether you want to expand your worldview or reinforce your knowledge, to combat stress or states dealing with depression.

Despite the established view that reading is no longer popular, even ordinary people nowadays read a lot: news feeds, messages, and favorite blogs. There are several good reasons behind the considerable demand for books.

Four reasons to choose a book right now

  1. Reading is a must if you want to improve your memory, stimulate further development, and activate your creativity. Books give wings to inspiration, regardless of whether they are about gaining new experiences or creating an interesting project.
  2. Reading increases intellectual level and enriches vocabulary. But that’s not all: a book about space develops your imagination, a detective story teaches you to build logical chains, and poetry opens the door to dreams – each genre improves your personality. After all, only by recognizing one's competencies does a person feel confident and able to withstand the challenges of a turbulent world.
  3. Books teach social behavior: the ability to communicate and empathize, defend your interests, and sense when it's worth compromising. When we immerse ourselves in the author's world and get acquainted with the fictional characters, we build our own behavior in an unfamiliar situation, expand the boundaries of our views, and understand other people more easily.
  4. Books are antidepressants. Reading is relaxation. It helps to overcome stress and keep a good mood. Yes, books are natural antidepressants – they relax and tone at the same time, distract you from problems, and often suggest a way out of a crisis. In addition, reading is a great way to psychologically rejuvenate because when we are fully immersed in reading, we forget about age, excess weight, and wrinkles.

There is a bit of irony in this list, but there are many more well-reasoned motives not to put the book away but to open it now. It's up to you to decide what kind of book this will be. Perhaps it’s already waiting impatiently on the nightstand or has started to gather dust on the shelf. Or maybe it's waiting for you at the bookstore.

We are presenting a unique book that you definitely won't find in other bookstores: The Mysterious Eighty-Eight, a book about the constellations, their history, origin, myths, and even precise dimensions. You will have fun and gain new insights and a sense of belonging to the incredible universe and all within it.